By county ordinance, it is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to plant or sell for planting in the seeds of all species and varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), unless it has been tested for lettuce mosaic disease. It shall likewise be unlawful to transport non-mosaic tested lettuce into the county for the purpose of sale or planting in Imperial County.


1. Testing required.



It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to plant or sell for planting the seeds of all species and varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), unless it has been tested for lettuce mosaic disease. It shall likewise be unlawful to transport nonmosaic tested lettuce into the county for the purpose of sale or planting in Imperial County.


"Mosaic-tested seed" means the seeds of all species and varieties of lettuce which have been tested at a qualified seed-testing facility approved by the County agricultural commissioner or designee and which have been found to contain 0.0 mosaic in thirty thousand (30,000) seeds tested.


Monterey County Only: Mosaic- tested seed must also be labeled “Mosaic tested and were found to have zero (0.0) in 30,000 seeds tested.”


2. Application for exception.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person, firm or corporation desiring to plant lettuce seed other than that which has been mosaic-tested may apply to the Imperial County agricultural commissioner for a permit to plant such seed. The application shall be in writing and shall be in such form and give such details as the agricultural commissioner may require. If the agricultural commissioner, after investigation, finds that mosaic-tested seed is not obtainable or that good reason exists, he or she may issue a permit authorizing the applicant to plant lettuce which is not mosaic-tested