State Miscellaneous Ruling

Article 1.  General Provisions.

Section 3650.       Legislative Intent and Authority.

(a)     The Legislature has declared that the plant killing bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa, and the resulting Pierce’s disease, and its vectors present a clear and present danger to California’s grape industry, as well as to many other commodities and plant life.  The Legislature has created the Pierce’s Disease Control Program in the Department of Food and Agriculture.

(b)     The Secretary is authorized to establish, maintain, and enforce regulations consistent with the intent of the Legislature as expressed in Sections 6045-6047, Food and Agricultural Code, as may be necessary to interpret, clarify, or implement Sections 6045-6047.  This authority shall be liberally construed to effectuate the intent of Sections 6045-6047.

(c)     The regulations in this subchapter are of statewide interest and concern and are intended to wholly occupy the field.

Section 3651.      Control Program.

(a)     The Pierce’s Disease Control Program is to be conducted by the local public entity designated by that county’s board of supervisors under a Department approved local Pierce’s disease workplan, including proposed treatment of Pierce’s disease and its vectors.

(b)     The Department shall provide logistical support and assistance when necessary for combating Pierce's disease and its vectors. Logistical support and assistance includes:

(1)     Biological control assistance..

(2)     Provide information on production practices to reduce levels of Pierce's disease and its vectors.

(3)     Conduct workplan activities when necessary.

(4)     Develop pest control alternatives.

(c)     Workplans.

(1)     The Pierce's Disease Control Program workplan elements shall include, but are not limited to, all of following:

(A)     Develop and deliver producer outreach information and training to local communities, groups, and individuals to organize involvement with the workplan and to raise awareness regarding Pierce's disease and its vectors.

(B)     Develop and deliver ongoing training of the designated local public entity's employees in the biology, survey, and treatment of Pierce's disease and its vectors.

(C)     Identify a local Pierce's disease coordinator within the designated local public entity.

(D)     Conduct detection and delimitation surveys for vectors.

(E)     If determined necessary to prevent the establishment and spread of Pierce's disease and its vectors, direct and coordinate treatment programs to control or eliminate Pierce's disease and its vectors. Treatment programs shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations and shall be conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.

(F)     Develop and implement a data collection system to track and report new infestations of Pierce's disease and its vectors in a manner respectful of property and other rights of those affected.

(2)     The Department may permit the local public entity to establish variations from the standards set forth in this subchapter based on the written submission to the Department of clear and convincing evidence of stakes and risks to justify a more or less stringent standard.

(3)     The local public entity shall conduct a hearing if an application of the workplan is appealed in writing to that entity. The results of said hearing shall be transmitted to the Department. The hearing notice procedures shall meet minimum due process standards appropriate for the circumstances. The notice and hearing procedures shall be set out in the workplan of the local public entity.

Section 3652.      Definitions. 

The following definitions apply to this subchapter:

(a)   “Bulk citrus” means any unprocessed citrus fruit which has not been commercially packed.

(b)   "Bulk grapes” means any unprocessed grapes, which have not been commercially packed.

(c)   "Carriers” means any vehicle, container, or other article or means of conveyance that the Department determines presents a possible risk of artificial spread of vectors.

(d)   "Certification" means the issuance of a certificate in written, stamp, or sticker format by an agricultural commissioner or commissioner representative, which affirms that a shipment meets all applicable regulatory requirements.

(e)   "Infestation" shall mean the detection of five (5) or more adult vectors within any five-day period and within a 300-yard radius, or the detection of multiple life stages within any five-day period and within a 300-yard radius .  Vectors detected in direct association with a shipment from an infested area do not, in themselves, constitute an infestation.

(f)   "Infested area" shall mean an area within one (1.0) mile of a vector infestation or an area which has not been surveyed in a manner approved by the Department to detect vectors.

(g)    “Non-infested area” shall mean one in which no infestations have been detected after survey in a manner approved by the Department to detect vectors or where the infestation designation has been removed.

(h)   “Pierce’s disease” means the disease of grapevines caused by Xylella fastidiosa, a bacterium.

(i)   “Plants” means nursery stock and privately owned plants that may host vectors of Pierce’s disease, except when in the form of seeds, bulbs, stolons, corms, pips, buds, cut flowers, cut foliage, tubers, leafless dormant nursery stock, or harvested fruits and vegetables.

(j)    “Processed grapes” means grapes, which have been juiced, canned, crushed or dried.

(k).   “Vectors or Vectors of Pierce’s disease” shall mean Homalodisca vitripennis , glassy-winged sharpshooter.

Section 3653.      Area Designation Procedures.

(a)     An area shall be designated as non-infested based on written affirmation to the Department by the local public entity that the area has been surveyed in a manner approved by the Department to detect vectors with negative results.

(b)     An area shall be designated as infested when the survey results indicate an infestation is present, the Department has defined the infested area, and the local public entity is notified immediately.  The Department will also provide electronic and/or written notification of the area designations to the other local public entities and other interested or affected parties. 

(c)   The local public entity may appeal an area designation by submission to the Department of a written request for review of the designation accompanied by clear and convincing evidence justifying a change in the designation.  The appeal must be filed no later than ten (10) working days following receipt of the notice of designation.  The Department must respond with a written decision no later than ten (10) working days following receipt of the appeal.  During the pending of the appeal, the designation under appeal shall remain in effect.

(d) The infested area designation shall be removed if:

(1) No additional vectors are detected by trapping or visual surveys during the period of January 1 through October 31 of the year following the last vector detection; or,

(2) Only adult vectors were detected and thorough vector survey/detection activities document that a breeding population is not present.

Section 3654. Inspection of Shipments and Disposition of Infested Shipments.

(a)   All shipments of bulk grapes and plants are subject to inspection by the agricultural commissioner upon arrival at destination.

(b)   Any shipment found to be infested with live vectors shall be refused delivery and may be immediately destroyed unless no damage would be caused to agriculture if the shipment is returned to origin or processed or treated in a manner approved by the Department to eliminate the vectors.

Article 2. Standards for Grapes.     The Secretary hereby establishes the following standards for the movement of bulk grapes to prevent the artificial spread of the Pierce’s disease bacterium and its vectors.

Section 3655.      Standards for Movement.

(a) Bulk grapes shall meet the following standards prior to shipment from an infested area to a non-infested area:

(1)    The bulk grapes have originated from a vineyard which has been treated in a manner approved by the Department to eliminate vectors and the grapes are monitored during harvest; or,

(2)     The bulk grapes have originated from a non-infested vineyard as determined by surveys, including trapping and visual, approved by the Department to detect the presence of vectors and the grapes are monitored during harvest; or,

(3)     If the county agricultural commissioner at origin and destination determine that compliance with subparagraph (1) or (2) is not feasible, the bulk grapes and associated plant material may be moved for processing in a manner approved by the Department which eliminates the potential artificial spread of vectors and the grapes are monitored during harvest if feasible, and upon arrival for processing.  The commissioners shall notify the Department of their determination as soon as it is practicable; or,

(4)     The bulk grapes have completed a post-harvest treatment approved by the Department to eliminate all live vectors.

(b) To ensure that the above standards are met, the grower shall do all of the following:

(1) Notify the county agricultural commissioner (of the county in which the vineyard is located) a minimum of 72 hours prior to the initiation of harvest.

(2) Assure that a certificate, as provided in Section 3656, is attached to every shipment and is provided to the receiver.

(3) Maintain harvest and shipment records for two years. These records shall be made available to the county agricultural commissioner during normal business hours.

(c)To ensure that the above standards are met, the receiver shall do all of the following:

(1) Conduct a trapping and detection program as specified by the agricultural commissioner (of the county in which the receiver is located) to determine if the vector is present at receiver's facility.

(2) Collect the certificates, required in Section 3656, for each shipment and maintain them as part of the shipment documentation.

(3) Dispose of all material other than grapes in a manner that eliminates vector survival risk. Disposal methods include, but are not limited to, steam, crush, cold treat, and solarization.

(4) Maintain trapping, vector detection, and shipment records for two years. These records shall be made available to the county agricultural commissioner during normal business hours.

Section 3656.      Certification.

  Shipments of bulk grapes shall be certified as meeting the standards for movement in the following manner:

(a)     Each shipment of bulk grapes shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the agricultural commissioner at origin affirming that the shipment meets the standards for movement set forth in Section 3655(a).

(b)     Prior to the movement of each shipment of bulk grapes moved under section 3655(a)(3), the origin agricultural commissioner shall notify the destination agricultural commissioner of the quantity of grapes being moved, the specific destination, and identification information.

Section 3657.      Exemptions. 

These standards do not apply to the following shipments:

(a)     Unprocessed, bulk grapes, which are being transported without undue delay or diversion through non-infested areas to an infested destination for processing or treatment, or are being moved to a destination outside the State.

(b)     Processed grapes.

(c)     Shipments originating from non-infested areas.

Article 3.  Standards for Plants.  The Secretary hereby establishes the following standards for the movements of plants to prevent the artificial spread of the Pierce’s disease bacterium and its vectors.

Section 3658.      Plants. 

Shipments of the following live plants shall meet the requirements of Article 3, Standards for Plants:

Additional Hosts for Glassy-winged Sharpshooter are listed in appendix A.

Scientific Name                 Common Name

Abelia spp.


Acacia spp.


Acer spp.

Japanese Maple

Aeonium spp.


Aeschynanthus spp.

Basket plant

Agapanthus spp.


Agonis spp.

Willow myrtle

Ajuga spp.


Albizia spp.


Aleurites spp.


Alnus spp.


Alstroemeria spp.

Peruvian lily

Althaea spp.


Amaranthus spp.


Ambrosia spp.


Amelanchier spp.


Ananas spp.


Annona spp.

Annona (cherimoya)

Antirrhinum spp.


Aptenia spp.


Aralia spp.

Japanese aralia

Arbutus spp.

Strawberry tree

Archontophoenix spp.


Arctostaphylos spp.


Arecastrum (Syagrus) spp.

Queen Palm

Aronia spp.


Asclepias spp.


Asparagus spp.


Aspidistra spp.


Aucuba spp.

Gold dust plant

Baccharis spp.


Bauhinia spp.


Berberis spp.


Betula spp.


Bignonia spp.


Bougainvillea spp.


Brachychiton spp.

Bottle tree

Brugmansia spp.

Angel’s trumpet-tree

Brunfelsia spp.


Buddleja spp.

Butterfly bush

Buxus spp.


Calliandra spp.


Callistemon spp.


Calodendrum spp.

Cape chestnut

Camellia spp.


Campsis spp.

Trumpet creeper

Canna spp.


Capsicum spp.

Pepper, chile

Carica spp.


Carissa spp.

Natal plum

Caryota spp.


Cassia spp.


Castanopsis spp.


Castanospermum spp.


Catalpa spp.


Ceanothus spp.


Cedrus spp.

Deodar cedar

Ceratonia spp.


Ceratostigma spp.


Cercidium spp.

Palo verde

Cercis spp.


Cercocarpus spp.

Mountain mahogany

Chamaedorea spp.


Chenopodium spp.


Chilopsis spp.

Desert willow

Chionanthus spp.

Fringe tree

Chitalpa spp.


Chlorophytum spp.

St. Bernard's lily

Chorisia spp.

Floss-silk tree

Chrysanthemum spp.


Cinnamomum spp.


Cissus spp.

Grape ivy

Cistus spp.

Rock rose

Citrus spp.


Clematis spp.

Evergreen clematis

Clytostoma spp.


Cocculus spp.


Cocos spp.


Coffea spp.


Coleus spp.


Coprosma spp.


Cordyline spp.


Coreopsis spp.


Cornus spp.


Cotoneaster spp.


Crassula spp.


Crataegus spp.

Thornless hawthorn

Cupaniopsis spp.


Cuphea spp.


Cycas spp.


Dalbergia spp.

Indian rosewood

Datura spp.


Dianthus spp.


Dietes spp.


Diospyros spp.


Distictis spp.

Blood trumpet

Dodonaea spp.


Dracaena spp.


Duranta spp.

Golden dewdrop

Elaeagnus spp.


Elaeocarpus spp.


Ensete spp.


Erigeron spp.


Eriobotrya spp.


Erythrina spp.

Coral tree

Escallonia spp.


Eucalyptus spp.


Eugenia spp.


Euonymus spp.


Eupatorium spp.


Euryops spp.


Fatshedera spp.

Aralia ivy

Fatsia spp.

Japanese fatsia

Feijoa spp.


Ficus spp.


Forsythia spp.


Fortunella spp.


Fraxinus spp.


Gardenia spp.


Gazania spp.


Geijera spp.


Gelsemium spp.

Yellow jessamine

Geranium spp.


Gerbera spp.

Transvaal daisy

Ginkgo spp.


Gladiolus spp.


Gleditsia spp.

Honey locust

Gossypium spp.


Grevillea spp.

Spider flower

Grewia spp.


Hardenbergia spp.


Harpephyllum spp.

Kaffir plum

Hedera spp.


Helianthus spp.


Hemerocallis spp.


Heteromeles spp.


Hibiscus spp.


Howea spp.

Sentry palm

Hydrangea spp.


Hymenosporum spp.


Hypericum spp.

St. John’s-wort

Ilex spp.


Ipomoea spp.

Morning glory

Itea spp.


Jacaranda spp.

Green ebony

Jasminum spp.


Juglans spp.


Juniperus spp.


Koelreuteria spp.

Golden-rain tree

Lactuca spp.


Lagerstroemia spp.

Crape myrtle

Lantana spp.

Shrub verbena

Laurus spp.


Lavatera spp.


Lepidospartum spp.


Leptospermum spp.


Leucodendron spp.


Leucophyllum spp.

Texas Ranger

Leucospermum spp.


Ligustrum spp.


Limonium spp.


Lippia spp.


Liquidambar spp.

Sweet gum

Liriodendron spp.

Tulip tree

Liriope spp.

Giant turf lily

Litchi spp.


Lonicera spp.


Loropetalum spp.


Luma spp.


Macadamia spp.


Magnolia spp.


Mahonia spp.

Oregon grape

Malus spp.


Malva spp.


Mandevilla spp.


Mangifera spp.


Maytenus spp.


Melaleuca spp.

Honey myrtle

Melia spp.


Metrosideros spp.


Michelia spp.


Mirabilis spp.

Umbrella wort

Monarda spp.

Wild bergamot

Monstera spp.


Morus spp.


Murraya spp.

Orange jessamine

Musa spp.


Myoporum spp.


Myrsine spp.


Myrtus spp.


Nandina spp.


Nephrolepis spp.

Sword fern

Nerium spp.


Nicotiana spp.

Tree tobacco

Nyssa spp.


Oenothera spp.

Evening primrose

Olea spp.


Opuntia spp.


Osmanthus spp.


Osteospermum spp.


Pachysandra spp.


Pandorea spp.


Parkinsonia spp.

Mexican Palo Verde

Parthenocissus spp.


Passiflora spp.

Passion fruit

Pelargonium spp.


Penstemon spp.


Pereskia spp.

Barbados Gooseberry

Persea spp.


Philadelphus spp.

Mock orange

Philodendron spp.


Phlox spp.



Date palm

Phormium spp.

Flax lily

Photinia spp.


Phyla spp.


Phytolacca spp.


Pinus spp.


Pistacia spp.


Pittosporum spp.


Platanus spp.


Platycerium spp.

Staghorn fern

Plectranthus spp.


Plumbago spp.


Podocarpus spp.


Polygala spp.


Polygonum spp.


Populus spp.


Portulacaria spp.


Prosopis spp.


Protea spp.


Prunus spp.


Psidium spp.


Punica spp.


Pyracantha spp.


Pyrus spp.


Quercus spp.


Raphiolepis spp.


Rhamnus spp.


Rhododendron spp.


Rhus spp.


Robinia spp.




Rubus spp.


Rudbeckia spp.


Ruellia spp.

Mexican bluebells

Salix spp.


Salvia spp.


Sambucus spp.


Sapium spp.


Sarcococca spp.

Sweet box

Sassafras spp.


Schefflera spp.

Umbrella tree

Schinus spp.


Schlumbergera spp.

Christmas cactus

Sedum spp.


Simmondsia spp.


Solanum spp.


Solidago spp.


Sonchus spp.


Sophora spp.

Sun king sophora

Sorbus spp.

Mountain ash

Sorghum spp.


Strelitzia spp.


Syringa spp.


Syzygium spp.


Tabebuia spp.

Trumpet tree

Tecoma spp.


Tecomaria spp.


Ternstroemia spp.


Thuja spp.


Tipuana spp.

Tipu Tree

Trachelospermum spp.


Tradescantia spp.


Tristania spp.


Tulbaghia spp.


Tupidanthus spp.


Ulmus spp.


Vauquelinia spp.

Arizona rosewood

Veronica spp.


Viburnum spp.


Vigna spp.


Vinca spp.


Viola spp.


Vitex spp.

Chaste tree

Vitis spp.


Washingtonia spp.

Washington palm

Wisteria spp.


Xanthium spp.


Xylosma spp.


Yucca spp.


Zantedeschia spp.

Calla lily

Zea spp.


Zelkova spp.

Sawleaf zelkova

Ziziphus spp.



Additional Hosts for Glassy-winged Sharpshooter are listed in appendix A.

Section 3659.      Standards for Movement. 

(a)    Plants shall meet the following standards prior to shipment from an infested area to a non-infested area:

(1)     The plants have been produced, handled, or treated in a manner approved by the Department to eliminate vectors; or,

(2)     The plants originate from a non-infested premise or a non-infested portion of a premise as determined by surveys, including trapping and visual, approved by the Department to detect the presence of vectors and the plants are monitored during loading for shipment; or,

(3)     The plants have been inspected, found to be free of vectors, and have been safeguarded from vectors until shipped.

(b) To ensure that the above standards are met, the nursery shall do all of the following:

(1) Train employees to inspect for and recognize suspect vectors.

(2) Conduct a trapping and detection program as specified by the agricultural commissioner (of the county in which the nursery is located) to determine if the vector is present at the nursery facility.

(3) If the vector is present, conduct an ongoing monitoring program that includes a vector free shipment staging area and inspection of plants for vectors.

(4) Conduct treatments, as necessary, to ensure that each shipment is free of the vectors.

(5) Maintain treatment, vector trapping, detection, and monitoring records for two years. These records shall be made available to the county agricultural commissioner during normal business hours.

Section 3660.      Certification.

  Shipments of plants shall be certified as meeting the standards for movement in the following manner:

(a)     Each shipment of plants shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the agricultural commissioner at origin affirming that the shipment meets the standards for movement set forth in Section 3659.

Section 3661.      Exemptions.

  These standards do not apply to the following types of shipments:

(a)     Privately owned plants which have been maintained indoors.

(b)     Plants which have been designated by the Department as not presenting a risk for the artificial spread of vectors.

(c)     Plants which are being transported without undue delay or diversion through non-infested areas.

(d)     Plant shipments originating from non-infested areas.

Article 4.  Standards for Citrus Fruit.  The Secretary hereby establishes the following standards for the movement of bulk citrus to prevent the artificial spread of the vectors of Pierce’s disease.

Section 3662. Standards for Movement.

Bulk citrus from an infested area shall meet the standards in (a) or (b) prior to shipment to a non-infested area or an area in which an active control program is being conducted; or prior to transiting a non-infested area or an area in which an active control program is being conducted; or prior to transiting a non-infested area or an area in which an active control program is being conducted. The owner shall notify the county agricultural commissioner (of the county in which the grove is located) a minimum of 72 hours prior to the initiation of harvest.

(a)     The bulk citrus have been harvested, handled, or treated in a manner approved by the Department to eliminate all live vectors including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Treat grove(s) when infestation levels of vectors are evidenced by multiple detections(s); or,

(2) Mechanically brush and protect citrus from infestation by vectors; or,

(3) Post-harvest treatment of citrus.

(b)     The bulk citrus have originated from a non-infested grove as determined by surveys, including trapping and visual, approved by the Department to detect the presence of vectors and the citrus fruit are monitored during harvest.

(c) To ensure that the standards in (a) or (b) are met, the receiver shall do all of the following:

(1) Collect the certificates, required in Section 3663, for each shipment and maintain them as part of the shipment documentation.

(2) Notify the agricultural commissioner (of the county in which the receiver is located) when suspect vector are detected.

(3) Safeguard infested shipments until rejection action is specified by the agricultural commissioner.

(4) Maintain shipment records for two years. These records shall be made available to the county agricultural commissioner during normal business hours.

Section 3663.  Certification.

Shipments of bulk citrus shall be certified as meeting the standards for movement in the following manner:       

(a)      Each shipment of bulk citrus shall be accompanied by a certificate or other document issued by the agricultural commissioner at origin affirming that the shipment meets the standards for movement set forth in Section 3662.

Section 3663.5  Exemptions. 

These standards do not apply to the following types of shipments:

(a)     Processed citrus fruit, including citrus fruit which has been washed and waxed and is being moved in bulk quantities.

(b)      Shipments originating from non-infested areas.

(c)    Shipments originating in the infested area that do not enter a non-infested area or an area in which an active control program is being conducted

APPENDIX A                                02-08-23

Additional Hosts for Glassy-winged Sharpshooter.            

Scientific Name Common Name
Aesculus spp. Horse chestnut
Agave spp. Agave
Aloe spp. Aloe
Aloysia spp. Lemon verbena
Alpinia spp. Ginger
Alsophila spp. Australian tree fern
Anigozanthus spp. Kangaroo paw
Aristolochia spp. Brazilian dutchman's pipe
Asplenium spp. Mother fern
Azara spp. Boxleaf azara
Begonia spp. Begonia
Caesalpinia spp. Caesalpinia
Campanula spp. Blue bells
Carpinus spp. Hornbeam
Casimiroa spp. White sapote
Catharanthus spp. Madagascar periwinkle
Cestrum spp. Cestrum
Clivia spp. Kaffir lily
Cleyera spp. Cleyera
Colocasia spp. Elephant ear
Corynocarpus spp. New Zealand laurel
Cydonia spp. Quince
Dianella spp. Dianella
Digitalis spp. Foxglove
Dicksonia spp. Tree fern
Dizygotheca spp. Threadleaf aralia
Eremophila spp. Red emu bush
Euphorbia spp. Euphorbia
Fagus spp. Beech tree
Griselinia spp. Griselinia
Hebe spp. Hebe
Hedychium spp. Ayo ginger
Hibbertia spp. Guinea gold vine
Kalanchoe spp. Kalanchoe
Leonotis spp. Lionstail
Lithocarpus spp. Lithocarpous
Lophostemon spp. Box tree
Lyonothamnus spp. Cat's claw
Macfadenya spp. Cat's claw
Markhamia spp. Markhamia
Moringa spp. Moringa
Neolitsea spp. Japanese silvertree
Phaseolus spp. Bean
Piper spp. Pepper plant
Pisonia spp. Umbrella catchbird tree
Pithecellobium spp. Pithecellobium
Pseudopanax spp. Five finger
Rauvolfia spp. Indian snakeroot tree
Ravenea spp. Majestic palm
Rhapis spp. Lady palm
Rhoicissus spp. Evergreen grape
Romneya spp. Matilija poppy
Ricinus spp. Castor bean
Sapium (Triadica) spp. Chinese tallow
Solandra spp. Gold cup
Sollya spp. Australian bluebell creeper
Spathodea spp. African tulip tree
Stenocarpus spp. Firewheel tree
Stephanotis spp. Madagascar jasmine
Tagetes spp.  Marigold 
Tetradium spp. Bee bee tree
Thunbergia spp. Blue sky flower
Tilia spp. American linden tree
Trachycarpus spp. Windmill palm
Tristaniopsis spp. Water gum
Vaccinium spp. Blueberry
Wollemia spp. Wollemia
Zamia spp. Cardboard sago
Zinnia spp. Zinnea

APPENDIX B                                 05/31/2024

GWSS Infested Areas

The GWSS infested areas are the entire counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Ventura, and portions of Fresno, Imperial, Kern, Santa Barbara, and Tulare counties (see details below). Intrastate shipments found infested with this pest can be rejected under California Food and Agricultural Code Section 6521.

[Please note: Nursery stock from the infested states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas already enters California under a Quarantine Warning Hold Notice (008). GWSS is also known to occur in Mexico. Interstate shipments found infested with this pest can be rejected under California Food and Agricultural Code Section 6461.5.]   


·          Fresno That portion of Fresno County bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 99 and the San Joaquin River; then, northeasterly along the San Joaquin River to latitude 36.923060 and longitude -119.751494; then, following an imaginary line due east to the point of intersection with Biglione Drive and Auberry Road; then, due east to the northernmost end of North Armstrong Avenue; then, due east to latitude 36.920466 and longitude -119.665580; then, southerly along an imaginary line from latitude 36.920466 and longitude -119.665580 to the intersection of North Temperance Avenue and East Shepherd Avenue; then, easterly along East Shepherd Avenue to its intersection with CA-168/Tollhouse Road; then, continuing easterly along CA-168/Tollhouse Road to its intersection with East Shepherd Avenue; then, continuing easterly along East Shepherd Avenue to its end; then, following along a southeasterly imaginary line to its intersection with East Trimmer Springs Road at latitude 36.80043 and longitude -119.40058; then, continuing southeasterly following an imaginary line to its intersection with CA-63/South Hills Valley Road at latitude 36.710332 and longitude -119.303560; then, southerly along CA-63/South Hills Valley Road to its intersection with the Fresno-Tulare County line; then, southerly along Fresno-Tulare County line to its intersection with East Floral Road; then, westerly along the Fresno-Tulare County line/East Floral Road to its intersection with the Kings River and Fresno-Tulare County line; then, due west following an imaginary line to its intersection with East Floral Road and South Wallace Avenue; then, westerly along East Floral Road to its intersection with South Smith Avenue; then, northerly along South Smith Avenue to its intersection with East Lincoln Avenue; then, due north to its intersection with Kings River; then, northwesterly along Kings River to its intersection with East Goodfellow Avenue; then, westerly along East Goodfellow Avenue to its intersection with East Central Avenue at South Newmark Avenue; then, continuing westerly on East Central Avenue to its intersection with South Peach Avenue; then, northerly along South Peach Avenue to its intersection with East Jensen Avenue; then, westerly along East Jensen Avenue to the point it becomes West Jensen Avenue; then, continuing on West Jensen Avenue to its intersection with South West Avenue; then, northerly along South West Avenue to its intersection with South Roeding Drive; then, northeasterly along South Roeding Drive to its intersection with South Hughes Avenue; then, northerly along South Hughes Avenue to its intersection with West Nielsen Avenue and North Hughes Avenue; then, northerly along North Hughes Avenue to its intersection with West Belmont Avenue; then, westerly along West Belmont Avenue to its intersection with North Hayes Avenue; then, northerly on North Hayes Avenue to its intersection with West Ashlan Avenue; then, westerly along West Ashlan Avenue to its intersection with North Grantland Avenue; then, northerly along North Grantland Avenue to its intersection with West Rialto Avenue; then, westerly along West Rialto Avenue to its intersection with N Garfield Avenue; then, northerly along North Garfield Avenue to its intersection with West Herndon Avenue; then, due north along an imaginary line from the intersection of North Garfield Avenue and West Herndon Avenue to its intersection with Highway 99; then northwesterly on Highway 99 to the point of beginning.

That portion of Fresno County in the Kingsburg area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Golden State Boulevard and Stroud Avenue; then, easterly along said avenue to its intersection with Eighteenth Avenue; then, southerly along Eighteenth Avenue to its intersection with the Fresno County Line; then, southwesterly along said line to its intersection with Indianola; then, northerly along Indianola to its intersection with Elkhorn Avenue; then, easterly along Elkhorn Avenue to its intersection with Indianola; then, northerly along Indianola to its intersection with Kamm Avenue; then, easterly along Kamm Avenue to its intersection with Bethel Avenue; then, northeasterly along Bethel Avenue to its intersection with Golden State Boulevard; then southerly along said boulevard to the point of beginning.

That portion of Fresno County in the Sanger area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of East California Avenue and South Del Rey Avenue; then, easterly along East California Avenue to its intersection with South Indianola Avenue; then, following an imaginary line easterly to the intersection of East California and South Academy Avenue; then, northerly along South Academy Avenue to its intersection with East Kings Canyon Road (Hwy 180); then, easterly along East Kings Canyon Road to its intersection with South Quality Avenue; then, southerly along South Quality Avenue to its intersection with East Church Avenue; then, following an imaginary line southerly to the intersection of 4th Street and Quality Avenue; then, southerly along said avenue to its intersection with South Rainbow Avenue; then, easterly along South Rainbow Avenue until it becomes South Newmark Avenue; then, following southerly along South Newmark Avenue to its intersection with East Annadale Avenue; then easterly along said avenue till its intersection with South Madsen Avenue; then following an imaginary line due south to its intersection with East North Avenue; then, westerly along North Avenue to its intersection with Newmark Avenue; then southerly along said Avenue to its intersection with East Central Avenue; then, westerly along said Avenue to its intersection with South Greenwood Avenue; then, northerly along South Greenwood Avenue to its intersection with Almond Avenue; then, westerly along Almond Avenue to its intersection with North Bethel Avenue; then northerly along North Bethel Avenue to its intersection with East Annadale Avenue; then, westerly along East Annadale Avenue to its intersection with South Del Rey Avenue; then, northerly along South Del Rey Avenue to the point of beginning.


·          Imperial That portion of Imperial County in the Desert Shores, Salton Sea Beach, and Salton City area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of State Highway 86 and Coolidge Springs Road; then, due east along an imaginary line to its intersection with the Salton Sea; then, southeasterly along the shore of the said sea to its intersection with Arroyo Salada Stream; then, southwesterly along said stream to its intersection with State Highway 86; then, northerly along State Highway 86 to its intersection with Sea View Drive; then, southwesterly along said Sea View Drive to its end; then, northerly from said end along an imaginary line drawn to the western end of Lakeview Court and the point it intersects with Borrego Salton Seaway; then, northwesterly from said point along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Marina Drive and Impala Court; then, northeasterly along Marina Drive to its intersection with State Highway 86; then, northwesterly along said highway to its intersection with Tonalee Ditch; then, southwesterly along said ditch to an imaginary line drawn southward from the end of Coolidge Springs Road; then, northerly along said imaginary line and road to the point of beginning.


·          Kern That portion of northern Kern County between Bakersfield and the Kern-Tulare County line which incorporates a section of Highway 65 and is bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Zachary Avenue and the Kern-Tulare County line; then, easterly along the Kern-Tulare County line to its intersection with Old Stockton Los Angeles Stage Road; then, due south along an imaginary line drawn to Highway 155; then, southwesterly along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Famoso Woody Road and Sherwood Avenue; then, continuing southwesterly along an imaginary line to the intersection of Bronze Hill Road and Bur Clover Road; then continuing westerly along an imaginary line to its intersection with Poso Heights Road and Highway 65; then, southerly along Highway 65 to its intersection with Merced Avenue; then, easterly along Merced Avenue to its end; then, southerly along an imaginary line drawn to the end of the Lerdo Highway; then, westerly along Lerdo Highway to its intersection with Highway 65; then, southerly along Highway 65 to its intersection with James Road; then, due east along an imaginary line drawn to the Kern-San Bernardino County line; then, following Kern-San Bernardino County line to its intersection with an imaginary line drawn due west from the end of the intersection of Bear Mountain Boulevard and Coles Levee Road; then, due east along said imaginary line to the aforementioned intersection of Bear Mountain Boulevard and Coles Levee Road; then, continuing easterly on Bear Mountain Boulevard to its intersection with Highway 99; then, northerly along Highway 99 to its intersection with Curnow Road; then, westerly along Curnow Road to its intersection with Wibble Road; then, northerly along Wibble Road to its intersection with the Taft Highway; then, westerly along Taft Highway to its intersection with Stine Road; then, northerly along Stine Road to its intersection with McCutchen Road; then, westerly along McCutchen Road to its intersection with Gosford Road; then, northerly along Gosford Road to its intersection with Panama Lane; then, westerly along Panama Lane to its intersection with Buena Vista Road; then, northerly along Buena Vista Road to its intersection with Pensinger Road; then, westerly along Pensinger Road to its intersection with South Allen Road; then, northwesterly along an imaginary line drawn to the southern end of Locksley Lane; then, northerly along Locksley Lane to its intersection with the Stockdale Highway; then, westerly along Stockdale Highway to its intersection with Nord Avenue; then, northerly along Nord Avenue to its intersection with Palm Avenue; then, westerly along Palm Avenue to its intersection with Greely Road; then, northerly along Greely Road to its northern end; then, continuing northerly along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Santa Fe Way and Los Angeles Street; then, northerly along Los Angeles Street to its intersection with Orange Street; then, westerly along Orange Street to its intersection with Magnolia Avenue; then, northerly along Magnolia Avenue to its intersection with McCombs Avenue; then, easterly along McCombs Avenue to its end; then, continuing due east along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Famoso-Porterville Highway and McCombs Avenue; then, continuing easterly on McCombs Avenue to its intersection with Driver Road; then, northerly on Driver Road to its intersection with Phillips Road; then, easterly on Phillips Road to its intersection with Zachary Avenue; then, northerly on Zachary Avenue to its intersection with Hanawalt Avenue; then, westerly on Hanawalt Avenue to its intersection with Stradley Avenue; then, northerly on Stradley Avenue to its intersection with Schuster Road; then, easterly on Schuster Road to its intersection with Zachary Avenue; then, northerly along Zachary Avenue to the point of beginning.


·          Madera That portion of Madera County in the area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Avenue 10 and Road 40 ½; then, easterly along Avenue 10 to its intersection with 36.895489 latitude and -119.799927 longitude; then, due north along an imaginary line drawn from said point to its intersection with Avenue 11; then, due west along an imaginary line to its intersection with 36.908939 latitude and -119.803124 longitude; then, due north along an imaginary line to its intersection with 36.912610 latitude and -119.803073 longitude; then, due east along an imaginary line to its intersection with highway 41; then, due south along CA Highway 41 to its intersection with Avenue 10; then, due east along an imaginary line drawn to its intersection with the San Joaquin River; then, southerly along the San Joaquin River to the point it intersects an imaginary line drawn due east from the intersection of Avenue 8 and Road 40 ½; then, due west along said imaginary line to its intersection with Avenue 8 and Road 40 ½; then, due north along road 40 ½ to point of beginning.


·     Santa Barbara That portion of Santa Barbara County lying south of a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the Point Arguello lighthouse; then easterly along an imaginary line to the summit of El Tranquillon Mountain; then southeasterly along an imaginary line to the point of intersection of Jalama Creek and Escondido Creek; then easterly along an imaginary line to the point of intersection of Gaviota Creek and the summit of the Santa Ynez Range; then easterly along the summit of the Santa Ynez Range to the east Santa Barbara County boundary line.


·     Solano That portion of Solano County in the Vacaville area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Gibson Canyon Road and Quail Ridge Ln; then, northeasterly along an imaginary line to the intersection of Bent Tree Lane and Whispering ridge Drive; then, southerly along Whispering Ridge Drive to its intersection of Carriage Way; then, easterly along Carriage Way to its intersection with Elderberry Loop; then, due east along an imaginary line to its intersection with Crystal Springs Drive and Fountain Grove Drive; then, easterly along Fountain Grove Drive to its intersection with Shelter Cove Drive; then, southerly along Shelter Cove Drive to its intersection with Vaca Valley Parkway; then, Easterly along Vaca Valley Parkway to its intersection with Cessna Drive; then, southerly along Cessna Drive to its intersection with Aviator Drive; then, easterly along Aviator Drive to its intersection with East Monte Vista Avenue; then, southwesterly along East Monte Vista Avenue to its intersection with Dobbins Street; then, northerly along Dobbins Street to its intersection with Fruitvale Road and Gibson Canyon Road; then, northerly along Gibson Canyon Road to its point of beginning.


·          Tulare Tulare That portion of Tulare County which incorporates a section of Highway 65 and is bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Road 216 and Avenue 180; then, westerly along Avenue 180 to its intersection with Road 208; then, northerly along Road 208 to its intersection with Avenue 184; then, westerly along Avenue 184 to its intersection with Road 196; then, northerly along Road 196 to its intersection with Avenue 206; then, westerly along Avenue 206 to its intersection with Road 188; then, northerly along Road 188 to its intersection with Avenue 224; then, easterly along Avenue 224 to its intersection with Road 200; then, northerly along Road 200 to its intersection with Avenue 228; then, northeasterly from said intersection along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Road 224 and Avenue 248; then, due east from said point along an imaginary line drawn to its intersection with Road 244; then, southeasterly from said intersection along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Avenue 230 and Holworthy; then, continuing southeasterly along an imaginary line drawn to the point of intersection with an imaginary line drawn due north from the intersection of Frazier Highway and Road 276; then, southerly along Road 276 to its intersection with Avenue 176; then, easterly along Avenue 176 to its intersection with Road 288; then, northerly along Road 288 to its end; then, southeasterly from said end to the point of intersection between Road 320 and Blue Ridge; then, easterly along Blue Ridge to its intersection with State Highway 190; then, southerly along State Highway 190 to its intersection with Globe; then, following Globe southerly to its intersection with Tule Oak; then, southwesterly from said intersection along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Success Valley and Dillon Ranch Road; then, continuing southwesterly along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Reservation and Road 298; then southerly along Road 298 to its intersection with Mountain Road 118; then, southwesterly along an imaginary line drawn to the intersection of Avenue 120 and Road 288; then, continuing on an imaginary line due south to its intersection with Avenue 56; then continuing southerly along said imaginary line to the end of Road 272; then, continuing southerly along Road 272 to its intersection with Mountain Road 33; then, continuing southeasterly along Mountain Road 33 to its intersection with Old Stockton Los Angeles Stage Road; then, southerly along said road to its intersection with the Tulare-Kern County line; then, due west along said county line to its intersection with Road 192; then, northerly along Road 192 to its intersection with Avenue 96; then, easterly along Avenue 96 to its intersection with Road 208; then, northerly along Road 208 to its intersection with Avenue 136; then, easterly along Avenue 136 to its intersection with an imaginary line heading due north from the end of Road 212; then, northerly along said imaginary line to its intersection with Avenue 144; then easterly along Avenue 144 to its intersection with Road 216; then, northerly along Road 216 to its end; then northerly from said end along an imaginary line drawn to the point of beginning.

That portion of Tulare County in the Dinuba area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Tulare-Fresno County line (Avenue 432/E floral Ave); then, easterly along Tulare-Fresno County line (Avenue 432/E floral Ave); then, northerly along Tulare -Fresno County line (Road 120/ S Hill Valley Road); then easterly along Tulare-Fresno County line (Avenue 480/E American Ave) to a point at latitude 36.660907 and longitude -119.270115; then, southeasterly along an imaginary line from said point to latitude 36.558339 and longitude -119.183706; then, southerly to a point at latitude 36.533147 and -119.184011; then, westerly along an imaginary line from said point to its intersection with Road 152; then, northerly along Road 152 to its intersection with Avenue 416/County Road J40; then, westerly along Avenue 416/County Road J40 to its intersection with Randle Rd; then, southerly along Randle Road to its intersection with Roosevelt Way; then, due south following an imaginary line to its intersection with Avenue 400/CA Highway 201; then, westerly along Avenue 400/CA Highway 201 to its intersection with Road 64; then, northerly along Road 64 to its intersection with Avenue 408; then, northerly along an imaginary line to its with Avenue 416; then, westerly along Avenue 416/County Road J40 to its intersection with Road 38; then, northerly along Road 38 to its intersection with the Tulare-Fresno County line; then, northeasterly along the Tulare-Fresno County line to the point of beginning.

That portion of Tulare County in the Exeter area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Avenue 296/CA Highway 198 and Road 180/North Anderson Road; then, easterly along Avenue 296/CA Highway 198 to its intersection with Road 217; (note: High Sierra Drive is less discernible, and Road 217 is 473 feet east of High Sierra Drive) then southerly along Road 217 to its end, then, southwesterly following an imaginary line to latitude 36.295703 and longitude -119.098158; then, easterly from said point along Rocky Hill Drive to its intersection of Rocky Hill Drive and 14th Avenue East/S Spruce Road; then, southerly along 14th Avenue East/S Spruce Road to its intersection with Avenue 268/W Myer Avenue; then, westerly along Avenue 268/W Myer Avenue to its intersection with Road 192; then, due west following an imaginary line to its intersection with Road 180/S Anderson Road; then, northerly along Road 180/S Anderson Road to the point of beginning.

That portion of Tulare County in the Visalia area bounded by a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Road 92/North Shirk Road and Avenue 312/West Riggin Avenue; then, easterly along Avenue 312/West Riggin Avenue to its intersection with Road 104/N Linwood St; then, due north along an imaginary line its intersection with Avenue 316/W River Way Ave; then, easterly along Avenue 316/W River Way Ave to its intersection with Road 108/N Demaree Street; then, northerly along Road 108/N Demaree Street to its intersection with Pratt Road; then, easterly along Pratt Road to its intersection with N Mooney Boulevard; then southerly along N Mooney Boulevard to its intersection with Riverway Drive; then, easterly along Riverway Drive to its intersection with Road 124/N Dinuba Boulevard; then, southerly along Road 124/N Dinuba Boulevard to its intersection with Shannon Parkway; then, easterly along Shannon Parkway to its intersection with E Saint Johns Parkway/Levee Drive; then, southeasterly along E Saint Johns Parkway/Levee Drive to its intersection with Road 132/N Ben Maddox Way then, northerly along Road 132/N Ben Maddox Way/ to its intersection with Saint Johns River; then, easterly along Saint Johns River to its intersection with Southern California Edison (SCE) Electrical Transmission Lines; then, southerly along Southern California Edison (SCE) Electrical Transmission Lines to the intersection with Avenue 288/E Walnut Avenue; then, westerly along Avenue 288/E Walnut Avenue to its intersection with S Casablanca Street; then, due south along an imaginary line to its intersection with Southern Pacific Railroad; then, westerly along Southern Pacific Railroad to its intersection with Road 140/S Lovers Lane; then, southerly along Road 140/S Lovers Lane to its intersection with Avenue 264/Outside Creek Road; then, westerly along Avenue 264/Outside Creek Road to its intersection with Road 132; then, westerly following an imaginary line from the intersection of Avenue 264/Outside Creek Road and Road 132 to the intersection of Avenue 264 and Mulanax Drive; then, westerly along Avenue 264 to its intersection with Drive 92B; then, southwesterly along Drive 92B to its intersection with Highway 99; then, northwesterly along Highway 99 to its intersection with Avenue 272; then, easterly along Avenue 272 to its intersection with Road 92/N Shirk Road; then, northerly along Road 92/North Shirk Road to the point of beginning.